Monday, March 30, 2020

Let It Begin With Me

Is it time for bed yet?

I don't ask much in life. I really don't. It's not like I don't have desires or wishes; I have LOTS of those.

For instance:
I'd like a Jaguar. The vehicle, not the cat.
I'd like a place in the Caribbean. Beach house would be great but I'd prefer one up on a hill with an overlook to the ocean. I enjoy binoculars.
I'd like my bald spots to sprout hair once again. That one is gonna take a miracle I think but I'm holding out hope.
I'd like a house that is drama free. I probably have a better chance of growing my hair back than that  I think.

The one thing I REALLY want and am lacking these days is a peaceful evening. That would mean:

No television.
No electronics.
No family game time where the children lose their shit.
No barking puppy. (No nipping, biting, or growling puppy either. The little fucker has needles for teeth,)
No teenage boys calling my daughters. They need to go away.
No arguing.
No talking back or talking of any form. Sign language might even be too loud for these people.

Every night around 8:00 I feel the urge to ask the question: is it time for bed yet? The people and the dog can stay up and I don't care if they ever sleep. I just have two goals: get into my bed while the sheets are still cold and refresh my Star Wars iPad game tickets at 10:00. All I need to do is make sure I say a proper goodnight to the noise makers and control my urge to play Got You Last. This should be easy. It's not.

Everyone loses their damn mind and basic common sense at night. What the hell? Do I need to sacrifice a rooster or something to get the volume down?

I am a simple person. Don't give me extra crap to deal with and I'll definitely be an annoyed S.O.B. if anyone starts crying. Ask my wife if I enjoy that particular drama or change of any sort. She might laugh in your face if you ask her.

So here I am. It's 9:40 PM and I'm trying to find a way to artfully end this post while making sure I don't lose the opportunity to avoid my family for the bliss of a quiet upstairs. God, please don't let me rile the children; I love a good game of tag but I really don't need to screw this up. I can almost hear the bed calling my name.

The christian hymn "Let there be peace on earth" is on an endless loop in my brain. Time to give that song a chance to finish.Only one way that will happen. Good Night, laptop!

Reality check: The kids are talking, I'm still not upstairs, and the COVID-19 USA infected account as of right now is 164,253. The number of fatalities is now 3,165. The school district alerted us tonight that school is out two more weeks, through April 17th. Have to wonder if summer break has already begun.

This pandemic is a nightmare.

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